The Q:"Is it really possible to have my dream wedding in NYC and stay on a budget?"- Sam in NYC
The A: Yes... and no. It's totally possible, but it involves 3 disciplines, Compromise, Restraint and Resolve.
If you know that budget it important, it's important for you to accept compromise as a part of your wedding planning process from the outset. Do I mean settle for less when it comes to your dream day? No. But I do mean identifying areas that are of the UTMOST importance to you, prioritizing those and maybe deciding where you can go "Loehmann's" in other areas.
"Loehmann's" wedding planning means that you don't need to go highest end, retail price for every single service. You should find areas where you can find "designer discounts". For instance, let's say you know for a fact that you want So and So Photographer. He is 10,000. (don't gasp, its possible here in NYC) This is the most important thing for you. You also love the work of Such and Such florist. They do the most interesting things and you are just in love with their designs. However, you realize that the Photographer is the MOST IMPORTANT thing and this is less so, and you have a strong sense of what you like and what you want things to look like. So instead, you shop around online for a floral provider who seems to be able to emulate a few different styles. You bring in your photos and clippings of arrangements that you like and you get a quote that's much more reasonable, because perhaps this florist isn't as famous or does greater volume, etc. That is a Loehmann's approach to wedding planning. It isn't less fashionable, but it is less expensive and you pick and choose your "splurges".
So, in addition to compromise of expectation, I think the other tip is to CONTROL your guestlist. If you can do this, you can splurge on what happens with each guest versus simply paying to get people to the table. This will involve some restraint. But if your dream day involves a 4 star meal and a fine wines and the best band ever, then you MUST control the number of people if you are on a budget. However, if your dream involves everyone the two of you have ever known being there, then you should re-think the need to have everything be really high end.
And that really brings us to the final idea, which is Resolve. When on a budget, your worst enemy is indeciscion and uncertainty. If you don't know what you like or what you want or what style of wedding you want, you will have NO guidelines with which to direct your budget. If you don't know if you want a black tie, sit down dinner or a casual buffet, how will you set a catering budget and how will you know if you can afford 75 people or 175 people? How will you decide? You must decide the kind of atmopshere and style of wedding you want in order to make your life easier. For instance, if you are the couple I referenced above who wants everyone on the planet at your wedding reception and you look at your budget, you might realize "OK, I think that necessity is going to dictate buffet, so let me wrap my head around WHY I wanted everyone there- is my real dream to be dancing and partying with all these people that we loved? If so, then let me not stres out that we're having buffet (because that's totally acceptable) and let me focus on the entertainment and the drinks and making the large celebration the focus of the party.
So, yes, you can have an amazing wedding, but I think the real advice is to adjust your "dream" wedding around the things that are most priority to you and it will be much easier to find satisfaction in your wedding planning process.