The Q: “We would really like to have a destination wedding. Are there any special factors that we should consider before we commit?”
The A: When contemplating a destination wedding, things to consider are the relative mobility of your important guests and cost implications for your guests.
If your family and friends are young and mobile: meaning able to freely and comfortably travel by airplane or train, then it’s a fantastic way to really enjoy those closest to you in a relaxed vacation setting. However, should you find that your favorite Aunties are too feeble to travel, you might want to weigh the importance of your setting vs. having all your family and friends around you?
The other factor is cost to your guests. Destination weddings are generally more expensive for guests than a standard local wedding. They involve flights, several nights at a hotel and wedding gifts. The association costs may be too great and some invited guests may opt to not attend. You should consider the cost to your most special guests prior to “pulling the trigger” on booking a destination wedding OR a particular hotel. If your sister, for instance, has several children, it might be an extraordinary expense for her family to pay for this trip.
Ultimately, destination weddings have become so popular because they are fantastic fun for everyone involved. It’s just important that your “VIP” guests can be involved if it’s a destination wedding.